S1 will forever be the champion class
Made out of 100% pure awesomeness.
Abbigail Tan Soon Ying | Ang Hui Shi | Chang Chooi Ming, Melanie M | Chen Jitao | Chen Siow Ee | Chen Wubin | Chen Xinyao | Goh An Qi | Ho Yun Ying | Hoe Shyan |
Jae, Tan Fay | Jamie Boey Jing Yi | Jaslin Tan | Khong Loo Sin | Kim Eun Hae | Kuek Yi Ting, Lynn | Lee Huai Ern, Claire | Lee Sing Ying | Lim Say Hwee | Lim Yong Fong |
Liu Wen Bao Amy | Loo Zhi Xin | Ngoh Ping Xin | Nicole Rachel Cheng Seow Shuen | Phyllis Gan Xiu Li | Rachel Yeak Ruo Qi | Sachpreet Kaur Bajwa | Soe Yu Nwe | Soh Gek Ning | Stephanie Choy Xin Ying |
Tan Cheng Xin | Tan Ying Ting, Coleen | Toh Ming Yee, Felicia | Uma Jitendra Sharma | Wang Yi | Wang Yixian | Wong Shien Yu | Yap Hua En, Elyse | Yeo Shi Mae Shalynn | Zhang Yan | Sara Salman Baladram
Not forgetting,
Foo Yong Ning | Patricia Leung Lai Yin
 Escape into awesomeness
 Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 4:22 PM
Heyys S1's I have a request for you....
Heyys guys! I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry that we couldn't go to MPR today for literature and have AIRCONSS~ But then I just wanted to remind you guys that our class isn't really the best class in cleanliness and so on... I know we all are trying our best, but I think we should try harder. We're going down alot earlier now, and I think that that's a SUPER DUPER TREMENDOUSLY GOOD improvement. But then for the duty roster, I want to tell all the rows that it would help others a lot if you stay back at least 5 min to clean the class. We have already got 2 mess alerts and it's still our first term. Everyone is putting alot of effort. Just wanted to say in overall that you guys are doing a great job, especially when being quiet like yesterday when Mr Yip was absent. Hope you people keep this up. Miss Ong had told me again that our class will get a class demerit if we do not throw away our old performances. Some people in the class were a bit frustrated and a bit worried and so I wanted to tell all of you in our class blog that it's important for us to put in as much effort as we can to keep our class clean and quiet. Besides, remember? S1 is AWSOME cuz all of us are awsome! We're the champion class guys! Now let's just keep it that way:) Thanks so much if you read through this really serious post or whatever that not really like me... but anyways, I hope you guys heed it and hope that we can RISE TO THE SKYYYYY!~ Hahaha, wish you have a wonderful day!:D P.S REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR MAIL BOX AT HOME!! I told you guys today, but just wanted to remind you guys again:) Eun Hae
 Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 9:56 AM
 lOVE, Fyn :D
 Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ 6:58 PM
 Er i noe that this is kind of ugly, but do u all mind using this as our class logo? bcuz the class t-shirts r all very well-designed but can we oso cr8 a class logo? If u all can read it, that means u all pass ur reading test... lolz... kiddingz... if u can read it, it shud say 'AWESOME S1S' but i dunnoe whether u all lyk it or can c it or not... actually, i juz rote thewords inside a shape---in this case, i rote it inside an oval. U all can dsign a new one if udun lyk it... If anyone dsigned a new class logo, can we put it onto the rite side of our sleevesin bold? u can dun put it there if u dun lyk the idea... it's juz a suggestion... okayz? Patricia
 Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 8:33 PM
.jpg) .jpg) This is my contribution to dhe design of class tee :D Hope everyone will like it. Hahas :D Any comments feel free to tell me :D ♥Fyn (Yong ning)
 Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 6:26 PM
 (Click on th picture to zoom in ) Hohos, its me :D And its like my first time posting :/ Well , anyways, had an idea for th class tee already ( up there ) So yeah . If you have like any comments feel free to tell me yeah . So here's just a short post. Seeya peeps on Monday . S1 IS AWESOME~ L is for LOOSIN :D
 @ 6:09 PM
Regarding the materials...
Um...hi people, Rachel here. I'm posting today coz apparently, there's a bit of dispute between the materials of the class tee. I, personally, want the class tee to be in cotton, because it's much more comfortable than Dry-fit/Dri-fit (whatev). And also, I think that cotton looks much more...um...normal? XD I took this from the class chatbox: pingxin - sayhwee: hey sayhwee. cotton is like heavy if u get wet n super OBVIOUS if its black or white tee. DRIFIT in monotonic colours (: pls Say Hwee: Why would we get super wet? We're not gonna run FITT run/PE in class tee ya noe. I totally agree with Say Hwee. And I don't think we're going to sweat so much as to go and drench the whole class tee right? And Pingxin, all the monotonic colours are kind of ugly, no offence. I think white is the best colour, because it absorbs the less heat and is a universal colour (actually, it's my fave colour other than pink, but whatev) So...yeah, these are my opinions about the class tee. =D Rachel.
 Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 8:57 PM
Class Tee Idea
   So anyways this is my idea. I know it's a bit too simple so juz help me add more design kay? I hav no idea why the images sooo small but juz hope that u can see th colours. (Colours are to indicate stuff, not the actual colour of shirt) I'm too lazy to put "Front" in front anyway. And ignore everything till u read wats below ... So for th back ...
- Purple is "Awesome #**" I'm not sure which colour r we using for the font.
- Yellow is the reg no.
Front ...
- Purple. If u rmb the shape poems thing, i was thinking ... (look at heart diagram rite at th front)
- Green part : I was thinking we put a "We Rawk!" or something, though i'm not sure wat th colour shld be.
i think that should be it. And pls, NO dri-fit. i like cotton. Cheers, Say Hwee
 Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 9:31 PM
Class Tee
Hello Classmates :D
Haha, well, I have this good supplier and some good suggestions for t-shirt designs. These are samples (but not done by me)... changes can be made too, yeah. The supplier's name is Mr Tan Eng Hock at Tel: 9634-7001 / 67435349 i think Jaslin, our dear Asethetics Rep, should be in charge of calling the suppliers^^ to get quotes for different styled tshirts. Enjoy the designs ,yeah (BTW, THEY ARE NOT MADE BY ME!) Oh, and i prefer cotton, but if its going to be dry-fitt, i prefer dry-fitt in black. Thats my opinion.
THANKS! Can't wait for the class tee, haha. CHEERS! -UMA^^
 Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 9:53 PM
the shirt
 @ 9:32 PM
ahh to answer Patricia's qn: Dry fit is liek our PE shirts. anyways, umm sachpreet's idea.. im sorry.. but it doesnt fit... Jae n rachel's combi. i like theirs btr.. but maybe we can all put our brains together to try to fit ur idea in only in a modified way? its best tt people ALL contribute so that we can MIX MATCH MODIFY n MAKE XDD 4Ms XD soon i will like draw out how i imagine the shirt to be. but srsly i draw the lines unevenly. forgive me XD anw. KEEP THE IDEAS FLOWING its GOOD :) try to help to modify ideas n mix them n stuf.. best is to draw out how u think ur Ideal shirt shud looks like n upload the pic here ty S1sters :D lovee apple aka Pingxin
 @ 7:46 PM
good idea sachpreet, but won't it be like too cramped behind for all our names? if we right all our names behind, then won't they be too small and what's the point if other pplz can't even c what is written especially we just walk past each other... it would be weird if other pplz just stare @ u on the road, won't it?but i think just our name in big, bold type in our own favourite colours... in front will do, cuz i in my opinion, the front is quite blank like that... no offense... oh ya, by the way, if we right our names in front, then we can (i think) actually write the 'recipe' @ the bak of the shirt, then it would, might, fit Yun Ying's paragraph neatly... i'm not sure... by the way, how much is one T-shirt? oh ya, by the way, what is 'dry fit'? i dun quite seem 2 understand that word... nvm about me, i'll ask u all in school then... oh ya, does the class shirt's design affect the cost of the shirt? another method, we can put our names @ the bak of the T-shirt and then er... put the class 'recipe' in front of our class shirt... anywayz, r there any 'class colours' like for example, the school colours are yellow and blue, then our 'class colour' would be _____? anywayz, we can use the 'class colour' for our class T-shirt... idk... Patricia P.S. all of u hav fun wif ur TPC?
 @ 3:55 PM
  The one on top is the front, below is the back. At the back the 40 names will be all our names excl. surnames then the owner of the shirt will have the name highlighted.. the colour of the shirt, maybe black or white then the text can vote in class and the owner can choose what colour she wants her name to be highlighted. For the front, the colours for text are colourful and hopefully we can stick to those colours. It's a li'l plain in the centre so if you'll can find anything then can modify.. If you'll do not like this idea its fine, i just did it while i was free, hope you like it.. As for the material, can we have dri-fit, its more comfortable I know of a supplier, as soon as we can decide on the design, i can call the supplier up and ask about the cost. If it is cheaper than other suppliers, can use him. SACHPREET ( :
 Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 5:14 PM
I think that Yunying's idea is quite good, but then isn't it a bit too long? I mean, it's not like some random passers-by's going to follow us around to read all the instructions. I think something short and sweet will do.To Jae: DRY-FIT?! I don't really like dry-fit coz it makes me feel sweatier than I actually am. *is weird* I think cotton is nicer because it's more comfortable and when we wear it on normal days when there's no exercise invovled it'll look nicer too.As for colours, I think simple is nicer. Black and White, or some other primary colours, since all of us have different opinions. E.G. If we get pink (yay!) some other people might not like it. So, yeah.Rachel.(I am typing this on my TPC BTW. XD)
 @ 3:40 PM
heyx.... this is yunying... i really like say hwee's idea but like i think if you put cups alll the way then it's a tad strange... i have this shirt that says like the same thing but it's like fo a happy heart=) so it goes like this.... 3 cups of hope 5 pints of love 3 quarts of care 4 cups of laughter 5 dashes of fun
1. Mix together 2. sprinkle with joy and understanding 3. Bake in sunshine and share with friends .... but it's all in one paragragh-ish and also like i think rachel's idea is really nice... with like Awesome *9 in the front then like the recipe thing at the back.... but it might like look cluttered.... so...comments?=)
 @ 1:28 PM
Another Idea for Class Tee :)
Hey gals, Say Hwee here, i've got another idea. :
How to make an Awesomer (or something liddat) 1 Cup of Joy 2 Cups of Laughter 3 Cups of Fun 4 Cups of Perseverence 5 Cups of Confidence 6 Cups of Enthusiastisem ( correct my spelling pls) 7 Cups of ??? 8 Cups of ???
Instructions (underlined) ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
Help me fill in the ? and blanks. i've got no more brainpower. juz try to include "essence of S1" and "a dash of Awesome-ness" in the recipe.
I feel that a white/black shirt would be nice than the other colours. As for the left chest thing about the name, i think that we could put a heart with the word "1S1" on it it instead of the names. The names thing could be put at the back. At the bottom of the front of the shirt we could put a "We Rawk!" or something. As for highlighting the names/index nos, would it be too troublesome for each of us to have a chosen colour instead of the same highlighting colour? I like Rachel's idea about putting "Awesome" in front of the index no. And for the recipe, its optional, i don't want the shirt to be too cramped with words. I hope you can consider my idea, as well as visualise it since i've thrown in sooo many words. :)
 Friday, February 13, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
Ok, I like both Apple (XD) and Jae's idea. But when if we have our index number on the left side of our chest, can we have it like this...?Awesome #27RachelOr something liddat. Great, now it looks dumb. *dies*Rachel.
 Thursday, February 12, 2009 @ 10:30 PM
Jae here.. I quite like Ping Xin's idea of having all our names at the back of the tee, and having our own name highlighted. :D And I thought that on top of all our names we could print a huge: S1 09/10 (: At the front we can just print our own index numbers at like, the left side of the chest, yeah.. Also I was thinking dri-fit, and we can have it in really dark blue so that we can have BRIGHT COLOURS on the shirt. I also know a place where they can make t-shirts, and the price is quite good. :D Got to go..Byes!
 @ 9:50 PM
hey S1-sters :D this is Apple. anw... i like Rachel's idea abt the Slogan. but yea, say: we stand S 1 :D jae's idea is cool. jus wondering if i can modify. example, we DONOT choose rachel's idea, we can always put Jae's modified idea behind. have a list of all our names. then like example, Jae's shirt, will have the JAE at the back in a DIFFERENT colour, to show tt she's JAE. jus suggesting. pls modify if necessary :D ty. more comments are totally appreciated btw. anyone noes where we can ORDER the shirts? i was thinking 2 basic colours: black. white. maybe blue? for the shirt i mean.. but best is colours which r not the CGS house colours. ok.. tt means: NO BLUE. ): anw... the Oh baby @ XXX thing is like.. weird XD can change or sth? im totally clueless how to change tt. maybe change to : We rock. :DD
 @ 7:24 PM
Heys. It's your Fyn here (: Okay. There's two things I need to tell you guys. 1. TOTAL DEFENCE DAY (SWEET POTATO THING)2. OUR FIRST CIP (IT'S COMPULSORY)As you all know, on total defence day, we have to eat sweet potato. There would be quite a few classes having the same recess slot as ours so the canteen would be chaotic. Pls co-operate with me. 1S1 would be given a table. As to which table we are given, the teacher in-charge would post the seating arrangement on MLG someday. 1S1 would be given a big plastic bag. Pls throw the potato skins into the plastic bag & not on the table. (Yes, we need to peel the skin...) Our first CIP project is to go to the PEACEHAVEN NURSING HOME. It is a home adopted by the school. We are supposed to visit the Home on 2ND JULY for about 2 hours. We would be accompanied by our form teacher, Mr Yip. (The form says so, but I doubt if he would turn up... D:) For the duration of our visit there, we would be doing some activities for and with the residents. Some examples of such activities will be sing-a-long sessions, skit performances, playing of instruments such as piano (there's one in the home), violin etc. (Pls note that except for the piano, the other instruments you would have to bring them yourself) However it is also up to you what you want to do there to entertain the residents and make their day a little brighter. Hence, we are told to discuss with our classmates & brainstorm in what u wanna do over at the Home. This is what you are supposed to do: 1) Divide ourselves into 4 groups. (10 girls in each group) 2) Each group is supposed to prepare and come up with activities to do during the 2-hr visit. 3) Please PRACTISE your performances, if you are going to do them. Be serious and perform well. They would not like us to fool around. 4) If there is time left, pls do chat with the residents. DO NOT ask questions which are sensitive. Ask general questions like 'Do you like it here?', 'How do you spend your day?' Or you might want to talk about yourself, your hobbies, school, ect. Lastly, this is part of your Community Service Programme. The purpose of the visit is for you to socialize with these senior residents and install a sense of compassion in you. ON THE DAY OF VISIT, REPORT TO THE FOYER AT 1.45pm! DO NOT BE LATE. THE BUS WILL LEAVE AT 2PM. YOU WILL RETURN TO SCHOOL BY 5PM. All these information would be pinned up onto the class board (: && PLEASE WRITE THE MEMBERS OF YOUR GROUP (CIP) ON A FOOLSCAPE AND PASS IT TO ME, YONGNING, ON MONDAY. Thank you (:
 Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @ 10:14 PM
Hey peeps, Rachel here. Er, I just added almost all of your CCAs under your name in the "Awesome-ers" section, but for some of you, I don't really remember what CCA you're in, so tell me and I'll add in, or you can add in yourself if you know how to, yeah?And also, I think I got some of the CCAs mixed up. Wow, so paiseh. XD Like always, you can just tag in the tagbox or tell me in person. As for the birthdays, I'll add them in some other time. Ok, gotta go, bye~Rachel.
 Tuesday, February 3, 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Hello! :D This post shall be green, because I am happy. LOL. Anyways, no offence but I think S1 United We Stand As One is so.. Singapore or something. Very chim. Haha, I am not sure about your opinions though. I was thinking that we could sort of personalise it by having our respective index number printed at the front at the left side of the chest. Okie, gotta go. Cheers!Jae Tan :D
 Monday, February 2, 2009 @ 3:46 PM
Class Tee Idea. (1)
Um...so...I got this idea of the quote written on the whiteboard by somebody. It was written like this...
"S1 United! We stand as one."
Then the more I looked at it the more I got this idea and I thought maybe we could put the quote "We stand as one." either at the back or front of the class tee but only modify it like this:
"We stand as 1."
"We stand as one." (But this one is kind of stupid. I prefer the first one. XD)
The main idea is to emphasise on the "as one" sounding like "S1". :P Comments?
 Sunday, February 1, 2009 @ 7:38 PM
Hey everyone
Hey its Apple here. ur CL Rep3 span X.x<> anyways.. pls rmber to try to give INFO abt where S1 can actually order Tshirts and IDDDEEAASS.
Contribute lah.. be more EnthuS1astic lah XD
NCC members pls rmr to FALL IN at CANTEEN BY 3.20 tmr. Wear necessary items :D ty
♥aPpleX (: