Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 4:22 PM
Heyys S1's I have a request for you....
Heyys guys!
I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry that we couldn't go to MPR today for literature and have AIRCONSS~
But then I just wanted to remind you guys that our class isn't really the best class in cleanliness and so on...
I know we all are trying our best, but I think we should try harder. We're going down alot earlier now, and I think that that's a SUPER DUPER TREMENDOUSLY GOOD improvement. But then for the duty roster, I want to tell all the rows that it would help others a lot if you stay back at least 5 min to clean the class. We have already got 2 mess alerts and it's still our first term.
Everyone is putting alot of effort. Just wanted to say in overall that you guys are doing a great job, especially when being quiet like yesterday when Mr Yip was absent. Hope you people keep this up. Miss Ong had told me again that our class will get a class demerit if we do not throw away our old performances. Some people in the class were a bit frustrated and a bit worried and so I wanted to tell all of you in our class blog that it's important for us to put in as much effort as we can to keep our class clean and quiet. Besides, remember? S1 is AWSOME cuz all of us are awsome! We're the champion class guys! Now let's just keep it that way:)
Thanks so much if you read through this really serious post or whatever that not really like me... but anyways, I hope you guys heed it and hope that we can RISE TO THE SKYYYYY!~
Hahaha, wish you have a wonderful day!:D
P.S REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR MAIL BOX AT HOME!! I told you guys today, but just wanted to remind you guys again:)
Eun Hae