S1 will forever be the champion class
Made out of 100% pure awesomeness.
Abbigail Tan Soon Ying | Ang Hui Shi | Chang Chooi Ming, Melanie M | Chen Jitao | Chen Siow Ee | Chen Wubin | Chen Xinyao | Goh An Qi | Ho Yun Ying | Hoe Shyan |
Jae, Tan Fay | Jamie Boey Jing Yi | Jaslin Tan | Khong Loo Sin | Kim Eun Hae | Kuek Yi Ting, Lynn | Lee Huai Ern, Claire | Lee Sing Ying | Lim Say Hwee | Lim Yong Fong |
Liu Wen Bao Amy | Loo Zhi Xin | Ngoh Ping Xin | Nicole Rachel Cheng Seow Shuen | Phyllis Gan Xiu Li | Rachel Yeak Ruo Qi | Sachpreet Kaur Bajwa | Soe Yu Nwe | Soh Gek Ning | Stephanie Choy Xin Ying |
Tan Cheng Xin | Tan Ying Ting, Coleen | Toh Ming Yee, Felicia | Uma Jitendra Sharma | Wang Yi | Wang Yixian | Wong Shien Yu | Yap Hua En, Elyse | Yeo Shi Mae Shalynn | Zhang Yan | Sara Salman Baladram
Not forgetting,
Foo Yong Ning | Patricia Leung Lai Yin
 Escape into awesomeness
 Tuesday, March 31, 2009 @ 6:19 PM
Dear 1S1-ians, (ROFLROFLROFL)
I just wanted to post this entry to tell you guys how proud I am of 1S1'09. :D
2.4km NAPFAContrary to what I had predicted (oops, XD) all of 1S1 (except maybe a few exceptions) was able to finish the NAPFA test, and with excellent timings at that. I think everyone improved in their timings and so, ILOVEYOUS1. You all very good hor, improve so much until you push me down by SEVEN PLACINGS YOU KNOW?! D:<>
Class Cleanliness I am veryveryvery proud that 1S1 has received the Cleanest Class award for the 2nd time in the row! :DDDD From now on, I hope that S1 will continue to receive the CC award as many times as possible. :DREMINDER: Row 2, it is your turn to do duty. Most of you have not began to do your duty and half of the week is almost gone already. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE try and do your duties, either during recess or after school. If not, you'll have to do double/triple/quadruple duty. Thanks. :) That's all, okthanksbye. Rachel.
 Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 9:01 PM
Hey guys, remember to do these things 'cause you guys might forgetXD (like me:DDD) -Music presentation on your different selected country regions -PBL *this is due on MONDAY* learning issue, problem statement, solutions proposal, criteria selction and decision matrix -Those who didn't hand in D&T, I'm sorry but I don't know if Mr Chew will accept them. -Your PT leaflets and brochures etc. -LSCEP assignment (try and get started on this:)) -Music Jingle assignmentI think that's it...Nt sure. Anw, thank you:DDD Sry to distrupt your peaceee with my rantings.^^ Oh and, pls dun see the pictures. Rachel was being a Wang Lee Hom fan and posted them:p Be a KIM BUM FAN!! P.S. Seriously, can ppl start posting more? It's like a grave yard here...so empty... (except for the pics.) XD P.P.S. This is important matters:))) : Lots of ppl are getting stressed and moody and pissed and mad and angry and emo and silent (unless you're usually like that) and tired and stuff. Well just wanna say.... WAKE UP!!! And CHEER UP PPL!! Oh, and for the not doing other things in lessons, just don't go to the internet kays? Like blog, facebook or whatever. We're gonna trust you guys and not check anymore but if we accidentally catch you or if teachers catch you (which is baddd:() then we have to take disciplinary actions and lecture you for 2 hours straight! And you'd probably get a demerit. Okay, that sounded a bit too...stupid. But anw, just pls dun go kays? And for going to VGLF and talking to your friends, try not to do it because it's not really considered 'good behaviour'. Thanks and sry for taking your precious time for my yip-yacking or whatever. Have a GREAT AND FANTASITC weekendXDDD And seriously, POST MORE! MORE ENTHU ENTHU PPL!:DDD*not* Okay jkjk By: Eun Hae P.S. Wang Lee Hom is SOOOOOO much better than Kim Bum. :D Edited By: RachelTheGreat.
 @ 6:19 PM
HI PEOPLE! Since our clas blog as been rather dead, I've decided to post pics of our fabulous classmates. You guys can post pics too! ^_^
.jpg) Eun Hae, Me and Fyn. :)
.JPG) You all never knew that Zhang Yan can be so cute right? XD
.jpg) Taken after swimming lessons. Ohgawd, I'm so tan. *dies*
.jpg) Me with Zhang Yan plus Eun Hae. :D
.JPG) Half of our awesome Class Com~ From left to right: Jaslin - Aesthetics Rep Yun Ying - Treasurer/Secretary Jae - Vice Chair Fyn - Crescent Ambassador Eun Hae - Class Chair
The shameless cute couple, Coleen and Loo Sin. XDD Just kidding lah.
 Sunday, March 15, 2009 @ 3:05 PM
hey peeps :D apple here :DD here to help the great-ehhem *coughs*so*coughs*show*coughs*off-Rachel yeah for the last poem by the gay guy some Autumn Women (direct translation) the surname isnt Li. its Du "wood" pang and "tu (as in dirt)" beside it yeah sry for the confusion but try to um understand XDD
 @ 12:39 PM
Holiday Homework.
Here are the holiday homework peeps. ENGLISH- 5 newspaper articles 1 paragraph about the article (120 words), 1 paragraph about your feelings (120 words), 3 new words + their meaning - Book reviewWrite a 1 paragraph book review about a book you've read. - John Shane comprehensionSummary + comprehension answers - RecountWrite a 3-day diary entry about a holiday trip you've been on recently, 150-200words per day P.S. All of the above are to be handed in during the school holidays.- NEW Download the comprehension handout from MLG in Classes 2009 -> Secondary 1 Classes and do it on foolscap.MATHS(Er...I'm not really sure about this. Some kind soul please edit this?) -2 March Holiday Assignments Complete them on foolscap paper. You are required to check your work using the answer key before submission when term reopens. -Revise through videos on Ace-Learning.HIGHER CHINESE-李白 poemsFind the poems and print them out (Not very sure either. Ping Xin, help? XD) PBLFinish up your Problem Statement for those who have not and do your criteria/decision matrix. They are to be handing in once school reopens.PERFORMANCE TASKWrap up EVERYTHING. It is due once Term 2 commences.
Please help edit if I've left out anything! ^_^ RachelTheGreat.
 Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 9:01 AM
hey can i suggest a "label" or sth on the shirt? its: we are the awesomely enthuS1astic S1sters :D
 Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Hello. ROFL. Anyway. I'll be submitting a design. Soon. LMAO. Im too lazy. Anyway. Great improvement that werent late this morning. But we have to move out of the class faster. And when its 7.15, please inform the others/Eun Hae/Jae. Keep up people. Awesome. COLEEN. Labels: :DDD
 @ 8:33 PM
Hey Awesomes. Just to let you know: I've noticed changes in your behaviours, as in a good way. So...yeah....THANKS, and...I LOVE YOU ALL! XDD However, I know that we can be better, and so I've thought up of this form of...class-CWO. XD Everytime the Class Comm asks you guys to leave the classroom, they will give you a time limit (e.g. 30 seconds). They will start to countdown and whoever does not leave within that time limit has to do Duty for the next THREE days. :DWellwellwell, comments? XDP.S. I linked C2/C3'09 blogs. Hope you guys won't mind >.<Rachel.
 Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 9:20 PM
Heys S1, this is Cheese here:D And this is urgent
Hi people. I just visited the blog today and saw all the posts and everything. And I know lots of others posted things about our behaviour and stuff. I just wanna say thanks to them for giving the effort. Anyways, before I say anything, I want you guys to know that I don't want to say this to you guys or post these posts anymore. And if you people get offended or pissed or annoyed by this post, I'm really sorry, I just seriously think that I should. Oh and Rachel told me you guys were only 5 min late for lit and on time for assembly. I want to say good job, no, TERRIFIC job! Just keep it up guys!:D Now the post below is for those who still haven't snapped out of la la land. So, to start with, everyone else is right, our class really is late. Usually I guess we're going down earlier for assembly, but we're getting lazier and lazier. The class com. and subject reps and other helpful people have been telling all of you to be quicker with your speed, hand in your homework and things like that etc. They all just tell you to be quicker because none of us want to get a class demerit or so. But what I want to say is a whole new different approach. You guys, like Miss Ong said, every single one of you needs to co-operate to get S1 to be AWESOME!! But no offence, I don't think you guys realise the situation fully enough. Think about all the consequences. Oh fine, picking weeds and cleaning the toilet, sheesh, it's only one day and then everything would be better! You think so? What if, every single time we all thought like that and kept on getting bad records? Do you think that the school would just go past it? It's not even mid year yet. Who here in this class wants to go to a great JC and a great college and get great jobs? I think everybody does. And do you think that keeping these habits up would help you achieve these things? Yeah, you guys might think it's too early to think of these stuff and so. But if not now, then when? When we become the worst class in crescent history? When we all go to detention or something so much that even the school lost track? When do you people want to take responsibility on your own actions? Now, later? NEVER?? Think about it. Every single one of you has a big impact and a big responsibility and part in this class. The class com. and subject reps may not be perfect. Heck, I practically hand in homework late sometimes and maybe even always and I had even brought the class key home, overslept, missed the bus and made all of you wait outside the classroom for one unresponsible person who made you guys late for assembly. And you know what? I don't regret it. It made me realise that I play a big impact on this class. And it's not because I'm the class com., it's because I'm a S1-ian. Now I just want to tell EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE S1's OUT THERE We all do NOT want to keep screaming and yelling and shouting at you guys to go down or leave the hell out of class. I'm telling you now, WE.DO.NOT. We all might be cheerful and try to make you guys laugh and not have too much pressure when we're talking to you, but you know what? I am sick and tired of acting like this is funny buisness and everything. Sure, when the class com. and subject reps make announcements and scold you guys or something, some of us try to lighten the mood and say jokes and fool around with others to show you that we're not teachers and that we're your friends. But I'm telling you right now S1, we will from now on be strict and firm with all of you. No more fooling around. NO more funny buisness. I might not be the quietest and the most responsible kid out there, but I know that when I want to be loud, I can be loud. I will scream my head off and look at each and every one of you in the eye and say that YOU ARE NOT BEING RESPONSIBLE BUT LAZY ASSES SITTING AND CHATTING WITH YOUR FRIENDS. I am giving you guys this post as a warning. And when the class com. or subject reps are giving announcements, THEY.ARE.GIVING.ANNOUNCEMENTS. MEANING, no talking with you friends, no facebook, blogging or anything else. Just be polite and respectful to them and LOOK at them 100% and give them your FULL attention. You do not, then that matter is in my hands. And I just want to tell you, I am NOT pretty when I get pissed or mad. Remember this always. Eun Hae P.S Dry fitt ROCKS like hell!!
 @ 11:15 AM
hey s1
srsly.. i think tt we should all have someone to time us? yeah. maybe 30sec to do sth like GET OUT OF CLASS. or LISTEN TO MISS ONG. or etcetc. so tt eunhae can jus be relieved of a little more of her burdens. kae? what di y think of this? ~apple. p.s. plsplsPLS co-op by helping Zhangyan by giving $3. it is not EASY to be a treasurer or anything kae? jus co-op
 @ 8:54 AM
Um, hi peeps. I'm RACHELTHEGREAT. Ah-hem. Yes. Well.I know these few days Coleen and Apple have been posting posts (XD) about our recent behaviour. Not that I want to bore you guys further, but...I really need to tell you guys something. (PS: I'm going to be very straightforward here. You don't like it, I don't care.)It's been a known fact that S1 is a slow class. We're late for everything. Assembly. Classes. Handing up homework or administrative work. No offence, but I admit that sometimes the Class Comm is a little disorganised. Yes, I admit that even I am still not up to mark. However, it takes two hands to clap. Even if the Class Comm improves, we also need the rest of S1 to co-operate with us.Seriously, we've been too spoilt already, and it's only March, for Pete's sake. Our subject teachers have already been very lenient towards us for our tardiness. We should be thanking the Heavens that we haven't already gotten class demerits. I hope that none of you are taking this for granted and think that since our teachers are so kind we can just continue this behaviour. I believe that NO ONE wants a class demerit, including me. So, I'm BEGGING you, PLEASE. MOVE. FASTER.I've been observing all of you when we ask you to get out of the classroom, and I realised that you all tend to dawdle or wait for your friends or chat with your friend while walking, thus slowing down your steps. THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK. If 40 of you all do this, we might as well just don't go for the lesson. What I want is for all of you to time yourselves. Within 1 minute, I want ALL of you to leave the classroom. And once you leave, you will not be allowed to go back in. You have your own responsibily to remember what books we are supposed to bring, and not your friends or the members of the Class Comm.Also, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE listen to your Chair and Vice-Chair. You do not know how tired, and sick we are of screaming our lungs out at you JUST SO YOU CAN USE YOUR LEGS AND MOVE. It's annoying, and also, nobody likes to have somebody screaming into your face. Please be more pro-active.Sometimes, I really feel like transferring classes. Maybe one day I will.
 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
Hey, S1 can u jus co-operate with the class com and reps? it is really tiring for them to repeat what they have to say, face all your problems (like when u didnt catch the homework, didnt hand up sth then blame them) its not nice at all. i mean they are all very stressed and trying very hard to catch your attention.. i mean, sure u say: "i CAN multitask ok?" yeah, then why are some of u always handing in late work? late work really troubles the reps. we have to WAIT. give u GRACE period. even aft grace period, u still DONT hand it in and the reps have to BEG and ask the teacher to let u off, to give them MORE TIME to collect the homework. let me tell u, that SUCKS. totally. one rep handles 40 people's homeworks. even if she HAS helpers, they'd still be very very busy UNLESS, U. S1. co-operates. these are jus some ideas how u can co-op w/ them: 1) list down the hw here on the blog 2) list down on the iMedia 3) list down on FB. so maybe 3 ppl help out to do this and some others check to see if all the hw r there. the reps cant possibly keep calling u guys, smsing u guys etc. so jus take the INITIATIVE to do sth. ~pingxin p.s. sorry if i sound harsh but srsly, reps like Rachel, Fyn, or Shyan or whoevr are jus to fricking nice and tired to tell u guys off. i mean well, are u jus going to wait until all of us reps sit on the ground, kick and start crying THEN u start doing sth?
 @ 8:44 PM
People. I've been thinking. No. Actually. Me and LooSin have been thinking. Anyway. The thing is... Can everybody like. Be tgt? And listen to Eun Hae. :D I know we're like damn noisy. =P Anyway. I dont wanna say so much. It'll most probably be a waste of time anyway. COLEEN.
 @ 7:56 PM
Hey people! As you all have been arguing for the past few days whether the class tee should be class tee or cotton, i have put up a poll so please vote for what you prefer the most! Thanks! ~Shalynn Edit by RACHELTHEGREAT. Scroll down for the poll, below the links. :) I was too stupid to find out XDD
 @ 8:29 AM
Hey apple here (: maybe we really should do a class voting to decide: dryfit or cotton? and finalise on a design? yeah. so i guess tts all. KEEP THIS BLOG ALIVE S1STErS! XD (s1-sisters lol)
 Saturday, March 7, 2009 @ 6:30 PM
Jaslin here. I think that Yun ying's idea, (which is the last post), was quite good. And Loo Sin's idea was quite good too! I think that we can maybe combine these two designs together and form a new concept. I will do up the combined design and post it here if i can. However, if any of you peeps wanna do the combined design and post it up here, pls feel free to. Also, i think that we should place a class logo on the class tee, and i will draw up a series of them in different themes and you guys can vote or decide how to use them and which logo you want. The concepts will be placed on this blog so pls do drop by to look at all the designs your classmates have drawn and we shall decide on one final one. Lastly, have our class decided on the material to make our shirts? Actually i tink we should start voting in class or something lyk that. Either dry fit or cotton. :) If any of u have any objections to my ideas listed here, pls feel free to tell the class about it. Thx a billion, Jaslin XD
 Friday, March 6, 2009 @ 9:53 PM
 yup.... that's like my suggestion for the back (or front) of class shirt...... comments?=)
 Wednesday, March 4, 2009 @ 9:36 PM
Ok, I don't want to freak you guys out, but apparently, there's this MSN virus that's going around recently and it's VERY IMPORTANT that you don't click the link as I think it goes something like this: It will hack into your MSN contacts list and send the virus link to everyone with the words "Ahha, hey is this you" or something stupid like that followed by a link. Once you click that link,you MSN account is a goner as it will always stay there, on your MSN.
Just ignore it. And also, block the following people from your MSN (I know this is harsh, but prevention is better than cure):
Melanie Anqi Jaslin
If there are any further "casualties", I will inform you.
Although now we only know that it will affect our MSN, we do not know whether it will affect our entire TPC or not, so please, take this seriously. Thank you.
 Monday, March 2, 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Hi peeps. Rachel here. I was bored yesterday and I suddenly thought of this brilliant idea. To all subject reps: Have you ever gotten this problem when you had to tell the class something (e.g. Hand in homework by ____) and yet you never seem to be able to do so? Well, I thought of this idea:Every Monday and Thursday, EVERYONE in 1S1 should stay back for about 5-10 minutes and all the subject reps or the Class Committee will be able to make any announcements pertaining to academic/aesthetics matters. Since everyone has CCAs during Monday and Thursday, everyone should be able to spare only 5-10 minutes for announcements. It's not like you need 2 and a half hours to eat lunch right? By doing this, the subject rep can convey the message to the whole class and nobody will miss out on anything. After all, nobody likes to be left out, right?So...SUPPORT ME YAY. XDDRachel.