Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 9:20 PM
Heys S1, this is Cheese here:D And this is urgent
Hi people.
I just visited the blog today and saw all the posts and everything. And I know lots of others posted things about our behaviour and stuff. I just wanna say thanks to them for giving the effort.
Anyways, before I say anything, I want you guys to know that I don't want to say this to you guys or post these posts anymore. And if you people get offended or pissed or annoyed by this post, I'm really sorry, I just seriously think that I should. Oh and Rachel told me you guys were only 5 min late for lit and on time for assembly. I want to say good job, no, TERRIFIC job! Just keep it up guys!:D
Now the post below is for those who still haven't snapped out of la la land.
So, to start with, everyone else is right, our class really is late. Usually I guess we're going down earlier for assembly, but we're getting lazier and lazier. The class com. and subject reps and other helpful people have been telling all of you to be quicker with your speed, hand in your homework and things like that etc. They all just tell you to be quicker because none of us want to get a class demerit or so. But what I want to say is a whole new different approach.
You guys, like Miss Ong said, every single one of you needs to co-operate to get S1 to be AWESOME!! But no offence, I don't think you guys realise the situation fully enough. Think about all the consequences. Oh fine, picking weeds and cleaning the toilet, sheesh, it's only one day and then everything would be better! You think so? What if, every single time we all thought like that and kept on getting bad records? Do you think that the school would just go past it? It's not even mid year yet. Who here in this class wants to go to a great JC and a great college and get great jobs? I think everybody does. And do you think that keeping these habits up would help you achieve these things? Yeah, you guys might think it's too early to think of these stuff and so. But if not now, then when? When we become the worst class in crescent history? When we all go to detention or something so much that even the school lost track? When do you people want to take responsibility on your own actions? Now, later? NEVER??
Think about it.
Every single one of you has a big impact and a big responsibility and part in this class. The class com. and subject reps may not be perfect. Heck, I practically hand in homework late sometimes and maybe even always and I had even brought the class key home, overslept, missed the bus and made all of you wait outside the classroom for one unresponsible person who made you guys late for assembly. And you know what? I don't regret it. It made me realise that I play a big impact on this class. And it's not because I'm the class com., it's because I'm a S1-ian.
Now I just want to tell EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE S1's OUT THERE
We all do NOT want to keep screaming and yelling and shouting at you guys to go down or leave the hell out of class. I'm telling you now, WE.DO.NOT. We all might be cheerful and try to make you guys laugh and not have too much pressure when we're talking to you, but you know what? I am
sick and
tired of acting like this is funny buisness and everything. Sure, when the class com. and subject reps make announcements and scold you guys or something, some of us try to lighten the mood and say jokes and fool around with others to show you that we're not teachers and that we're your friends. But I'm telling you right now S1, we will from now on be strict and firm with all of you. No more fooling around. NO more funny buisness. I might not be the quietest and the most responsible kid out there, but I know that when I want to be loud, I can be loud. I will scream my head off and look at each and every one of you in the eye and say that YOU ARE NOT BEING RESPONSIBLE BUT LAZY ASSES SITTING AND CHATTING WITH YOUR FRIENDS. I am giving you guys this post as a warning. And when the class com. or subject reps are giving announcements, THEY.ARE.GIVING.ANNOUNCEMENTS. MEANING, no talking with you friends, no facebook, blogging or anything else. Just be polite and respectful to them and LOOK at them 100% and give them your FULL attention. You do not, then that matter is in
my hands. And I just want to tell you, I am NOT pretty when I get pissed or mad. Remember this always.
Eun Hae
P.S Dry fitt ROCKS like hell!!