S1 will forever be the champion class
Made out of 100% pure awesomeness.
Abbigail Tan Soon Ying | Ang Hui Shi | Chang Chooi Ming, Melanie M | Chen Jitao | Chen Siow Ee | Chen Wubin | Chen Xinyao | Goh An Qi | Ho Yun Ying | Hoe Shyan |
Jae, Tan Fay | Jamie Boey Jing Yi | Jaslin Tan | Khong Loo Sin | Kim Eun Hae | Kuek Yi Ting, Lynn | Lee Huai Ern, Claire | Lee Sing Ying | Lim Say Hwee | Lim Yong Fong |
Liu Wen Bao Amy | Loo Zhi Xin | Ngoh Ping Xin | Nicole Rachel Cheng Seow Shuen | Phyllis Gan Xiu Li | Rachel Yeak Ruo Qi | Sachpreet Kaur Bajwa | Soe Yu Nwe | Soh Gek Ning | Stephanie Choy Xin Ying |
Tan Cheng Xin | Tan Ying Ting, Coleen | Toh Ming Yee, Felicia | Uma Jitendra Sharma | Wang Yi | Wang Yixian | Wong Shien Yu | Yap Hua En, Elyse | Yeo Shi Mae Shalynn | Zhang Yan | Sara Salman Baladram
Not forgetting,
Foo Yong Ning | Patricia Leung Lai Yin
 Escape into awesomeness
 Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 10:01 AM
     heya guys..here is the photo taken today (: HAVE A WONDERFUL GREAT HOLIDAYS OKAY ms wong ms chee we LOVE you :D we will always thank you for your guidance --wubin
 Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 10:31 AM
class tee seclection
Hey girls, Could you ppl try to finish the selecting of class tee design by tmr? Cos my cousin she making her frens tee so she say must well help us do also. If we cannot finish selecting the class tee design by tmr, we will hav to find a company to help us make our class tee ourself. So ppl, can you decide faster so we won't waste too much time on this? Shyan.
 @ 8:44 AM
Design for class tee
 This is the back.  This is the front. Cheers! Shyan.
 Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Class Party
Hey peeps, I've a few Qns abt th class party. 1st of all, are we going there in grps/class/individual? 2nd, are we walking in/public transport, parents fetch/etc? So unless someone answers these Qns, i can't confirm that i'm goin(though most likely i will). Say Hwee :D -EDIT-Q: "1st of all, are we going there in grps/class/individual? 2nd, are we walking in/public transport, parents fetch/etc?"A: Most likely we are going individually, unless you want to go there with your friends. We will be walking from Vivo to Sentosa. Hope you can make it. :D Rachel.
 Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 3:08 PM
Hello ducklings :D Well for starters, a BIG THANK U to LOO SIN for helping the class blog look....better. HahahaXD Secondly, about returning the key, I find that the anonymous (the person who wrote the post on tuesday 6.11 am) was right about everyone having the responsibility returning the class key. I didn't really mind the part where the last person left the key on my bag, it was no big deal. But if you're from S1, then u should take the initiative to return the class key. I know it may be troublesome to walk to the GO and sign it out but c'mon guys, we're not babies. Thirdly, I agree with Jae. You guys are quite noisy. I admit I'm loud too *wink wink* XDDD But I guess everyone has to work on keeping quiet. If the vice-chair or any class com. tell u guys to keep the noise level down to make an announcement or something, then please listen immediately. Don't take ur time and look around, scratch ur ear or belly or whatever. And don't roll your eyes either, we will know if u do. Lastly, co-operation. When going out of class please try and brisk walk. Cos when you people get out of class you tend to 'slow walk' out of class. SLOW WALK and BRISK WALK are two very different things. You guys better walk faster of else seriously, I'll slap your butt or something. MUHUHAHAHAHAHA!!!! And also under co-operation, FOR THE FREAKIN CLASS PARTY/ CHALET, PLEASE GIVE US YOUR OPINIONS. Do you people really WANT a class chalet? It would be SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER FUN!!!!! Seriously. So please co-operate next time. Oh and, if u don't, me and the others are going slam your TPC screens down if you don't look up from it. If you're not going, then okay:) But if you are, you better LOOK at us when we're talking. Sorry for all the scolding and serious-ness. If any of you are offended, DON'T. TEE HEE. We all have to learn when to be serious about things :) Thanks a MILLION (won't use billion cos it sounds weird :P) if you read this post. :DDD TOODLES MINIONS!! Love, Devil
 Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 8:20 AM
Hey guys, referring to the previous post, I think we should all take responsibility of the class key. Like, not only the class chair should cause its like untfai. Cause its class key, you see. Yes, and if you come early like 6.30-ish or something, please check the Office if someone has already signed out the key, so that the people who come early dont have to wait outside and rely on Loosin to get the key. Thank you!
Design entries for class tee will end on 31st May, if you have any ideas please post them asap!!
And you guys are getting too loud, you know its very hard to control you people cause there are other classes going on so please spare a thought. And when I say loud, its like REALLY REALLY REALLY loud.
Thank you!
xxx, Jae
 Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 9:11 PM
I know i seldom posts, but i guess all of you guys ought to know this. Okay, so you guys know that everyday after school , someone would have to lock up and the class and return the key. And normally , its the last person. And today, the last person who was suppose to lock up the class, Yes, she did lock the class, but guess what, as Eun Hae went to the toilet, she left her bag along the routanda, and when she came out, the key was on her bag. Which meant that, the last person didn't sign out the key and let EunHae do it. And this was what which really pissed me off. Since its the CLASS key, everyone should have the responsibilities of signing it in or out. You guys cant just push everything to one or 2 person and expect them to do everything can you? Cause i mean like , how long does it take to just sign the key out ? An hour ? No, it just takes like less than a minute. So why cant everyone like help ? I wont say out names , but i think you guys should really think about it.
 @ 4:13 PM
Hey guys, if you didn't do well this semester, don't fret! You can still work hard for the next and get better results! We're all in this together!~ :D
JY! Say Hwee
P.S. I love Ms Chee! Woots! Thks for the encouragement! :D
 @ 12:21 PM
Changed the skin as requested to do so. Made it in MF , so its best viewed in MF. Like duh. So if you're using IE , don't blame me for it looking weird :/ Thats all , Byes :) KIM HYUN JOONG IS HOT :DLabels: LooSin.xoxo
 Wednesday, May 13, 2009 @ 6:19 PM
S1, I heard from someone that today some of you got stuck outside the classroom just because Loo Sin came "late" and did not sign out the key. Um, just a suggestion, but can someone who comes early retrieve the key? It doesn't matter who, and it doesn't have to be the same person, as long as you are early (like, let's say before 6.30am) then you should go get the class key. Don't depend on just one person. Ok. :D That's all, yes, random crapping here. Ohnoez, I haven't planned my drama script yet. D: Rachel.
 Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @ 10:02 PM
1S1, PEACEHAVEN VISIT WILL BE ON 30TH JUNEAlthough it is in June, PLEASE START PLANNING & EVERYTHING as it is RIGHT AFTER the JUNE HOLIDAYS.Each group will be assigned to different groups of ppl in peacehaven. There is a piano in peacehaven so perhaps you can arrange to use th piano :] You can prepare a skit, a dance, play games or anything you wanna do ;] Once your group had decided on what to do, please come to me :D Thank you :] Ohkay. Till here :] YongNing; Fyn :D
 Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ 8:19 PM
Some random admin stuff.
1S1, please remember to bring your Sexuality Education Programme Option Form this Tuesday to hand up. Try not to have any late hand-ups, ok? :D
Oh, and also, remember to start collecting 1.5L bottles for our PET Rocket Programme. You must bring at least 2. Also take note that only certain bottles can be used, for example: - Coca Cola
- Pepsi
- H2O
- Sarsi
- Sprite
- Mountain Dew
- Root Beer
- 7-up
- 100 Plus
Do not use bottles which have been used to contain: - Mineral Water
- Fruit juice
- Qoo
- Green Tea
- Coffee/Tea (I haven't heard of bottled coffee/tea, but oh well.)
Ok, that's all. :) Rachel.
 @ 12:45 PM
So ppl, I have good news, and bad news.. The good news is, we caught Elmo and Cookie Monster
The bad news is, when I saw them I had to cover my eyes cos they were......were............................................................................................................................................................................................................................watching a horror movie.... HAHAHA. THIS SHOWS U HOW HORNY U ARE....EEEEEEEEE..... OKAY SO, THANK U FOR UR KIND ATTENTION!! :DDD Love, Devil
 Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 12:22 PM
Can i make a suggestion? Get duty girls/early comers/people who sit near the window to open ALL the windows every morning so we can have clean fresh air and a nice breeze flowing in. :D Thks.
Say Hwee
 Monday, May 4, 2009 @ 5:34 PM
P.S. From now onwards, you ALL shall be my minion ducklings and I shall be the DEVIL.. MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *evil laugh* Okay PEOPLE I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT TO MAKE THAT COULD CHANGE YOUR LIVES FOREVER..........*dramatic music in background*.... Joking. XD *crickets playing..* =.=...Okay back to the point.. You know how everyone is telling you like, "oh no, swine flu, it's gonna kill us~ run for your lives~~~". BLEH. We're all gonna die anyways, what's the problem with dying just a bit earlier? XDD Haha, so then THOSE PEOPLE WHOSE PARENTS WENT TO MEXICO...................................................................................................................................... ask them to give me one of those cool hats :DDDD NOT. REPORT TO OUR FORM TEACHER ASAP. THIS IS VERY URGENT PEOPLE.. :) Thank you Oh and for your information, watch out for this..."cheese" person *narrows eyes* she is a prime suspect of swine flu...I don't trust her..=.= DU DUM DU DUMMMM~ THE BEST FOR MYE MY LITTLE MINION DUCKLINGS:DDD From, DEVIL