Wednesday, June 10, 2009 @ 2:18 PM
Class Party - 170609
Woohoo, you people should be psyched for the upcoming class part. GIMME A YEA!
*awkward silence*
Right. On to business. (You guys might want to print this out for reference. XD)
TimetableSo, this is our timetable:

Yup, we are all seperated into three groups, for convenience. We expect all of you to reach at that estimated timing ok? :) Here are the groupings:
0830: Comittee Members (those in charge of Food and Games)
0900: Wubin, Shyan, Phyllis, Say Hwee, Shalynn, Yi Xian
0930: Sing Ying, Shien Yu, Felicia, Siow Ee, Yi Xian, Lynn, Miss Chee
(Those highlighted names, you are the person-in-charge for your groups, and you are to SMS me [Rachel Y.] once everyone in your group has gathered. You all should arrange when/where to meet together, ok?) Oh, and please Crezmail me if you don't have my number. :)
Ok, so here is more or less the timings for our games. I hope you guys are energetic, coz the games will last for about 6 hours. Yes.
Briefing (10 min)
Game 1: Truth or Dare (10 min)
Game 2: Speng (50 min)
Break (15 min)
Game 3: Captain's ball/Volley ball (2 hours)
Brunch (1 hour)
Game 4: Class Interaction (30 min)
Game 5: [Water Relay] Water balloons and sea shell hunting (45 min)
Game 6: Cookie Relay (1 hour)
Game 7: Charades (20 min)
Area Clean-up (20 min)
More or less like that, the timings are not definite and will be influenced by the weather/circumstances. I sound so professional. XD
And here are some of the other random stuff:
To-Bring List
- $8 ($3 for entrance fee, $5 for doorgifts and prizes)
- Extra money
- Cap
- Insect repellent
- Extra set of clothes (unless you don't mind walking around wet, like me. XD)
- Assigned food
- Flip-flops
Dress Code (what NOT to wear)
- Translucent/transparent clothing (XDDD)
- Clothes related to CGS
- Thin/revealing clothes
Please direct any queries to Coleen, Eun Hae, Jae, Loo Sin, Ping Xin or Rachel. :D