Friday, July 17, 2009 @ 7:42 PM
Racial Harmony'09
Hey guys, I just thought of this
brilliant idea about our Racial Harmony thing.
You know how we're supposed to wear ethnic costumes on Tuesday? Well, what if we did this "costume swap"? Like for example, I have at least 3 cheongsams that are too small for me, but might just fit Shalynn/Say Hwee/the other small-sized people etc. (no offence intended, btw. XD) so I shall bring them on Monday for them to try and see.
Of course, this is not compulsory, but I just thought it would be a good idea if we all wore and then showed off. XDDD So, if you guys have any ethnic costumes that are too big/small but you think the other S1sters can wear them, please bring them to school on Monday so that we can try them on. :D
And btw, I am sosososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo proud of 1S1. You know there was some drama going on with 1S2 and 1G2. AND OUR CLASS HAS THE MOST ORIGINALITY. *clapclapclap* So yeah, THANKS A LOT to those who helped out with the decorations, and to our Crez Ambassador Yong Ning and our Aesthetics Rep Jaslin and to all of 1S1~
[Below are the photos I took. SMILE~]
L to R: Say Hwee, Elyse, Shyan and Claire, colouring the different people. I JUST LOVE THEIR CHARSIEWBAO-LIKE HEADS.

Lydia, Eun Hae and Stephanie tyring to weave ketupats. Unfortunately, only Lydia succeeded, while Stephanie ran around the class with the strips of ribbon yelling: "I'm mentally retarded!"

Heh. So colourful. I'M SO PROUD OF 1S1~

Eun Hae is dangerously swinging around a pair of scissors. I was fearing for Claire and Say Hwee's safety. XDD

Heh. In the end they still didn't use the vanguard paper D:

Shyan cutting the angbaos to be folding in the other decos. Why is it that I feel so insecure with the S1sters holding sharp objects? XD

Lydia writting on the Post-it star stickers. (I am so going to buy myself a set of those Post-its.)

Coleen, Wang Yi, Zhang Yan and Sing Ying beautifying our board~

Shalynn cutting out of the pictures...

Hui Shi working on something
not relevent to Racial Harmony. *angry stare* XDD Just kidding.

Wubin and Phyllis drawing the letters for the "Racial Harmony" words. SEE THAT 'R' THERE. R IS FOR RACHEL MWAHAHAHA

Idk what's up with Jae's pose. XD

Elyse looks amazed. XD

Ping Xin, Zhi Xin and Coleen tying up the curtains. (I like how pretty they look now. :D)
Sing Ying, Shien Yu and Uma pinning the coloured papers up onto the notice board.
Ok, that's about it. REMEMBER ABOUT Operation Costume Swap ok?! XD
If anyone has seen Say Hwee's scissors, please return to her. Thanks~