Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 8:30 PM
eLearning 2009 - Comm Arts
Hello people~ So, in case any of you are confused by what we're supposed to do for Comm Arts, I'm going to simplify what Mr M has posted
Asynchronized Lessons aka HomeworkOk, for Comm Arts, we have
three homework tasks to do:
For this, you will have to type a 100 word opinion on War after watching/reading the sources about War provided here. After doing so, upload your opinions in: MLG -> Student Portal -> Classes 2009 -> Sec 1 Classes -> English folder -> E-Learning War Opinions.
Note: Remember to save your opinion in the 97-2003 format, in case the teachers are using the old version of Microsoft Word. Also, use simple font and change the size to size 12-14.
- Recording for "My War Opinion"
Basically, all you have to do is use the Audacity software in your TPC to record your opinion (the one you've written) and then send a copy of it to each of your group members. Keep a copy of it in your Comm Arts subject folder (in your own TPC).
- Creating a bookmark that reflects your opinion on war.
You can use ANY designing software for this. After finishing your bookmark, print one for each member of your group (preferably in colour). Your bookmark should be 6cm x 20cm.
GroupingsFor tomorrow's Synchronized Lessons, you will be in groups of 5, so there will be 8 groups in total. Your groupings will be according to your index number:
Group 11. Huishi
2. Melanie
3. Jitao
4. Siow Ee
5. Wubin
Group 26. Xinyao
7. Yong Ning
8. An Qi
9. Yun Ying
10. Shyan
Group 311. Jae
12. Jamie
13. Jaslin
14. Loo Sin
15. Eun Hae
Group 416. Lynn
17. Claire
18. Sing Ying
19. Say Hwee
20. Yong Fong
Group 521. Amy
22. Zhi Xin
23. Ping Xin
24. Nicole
25. Patricia
Group 626. Phyllis
27. Rachel
28. Sachpreet
29. Yu Nwe
30. Lydia
Group 731. Stephanie
32. Coleen
33. Felicia
34. Uma
35. Wang Yi
Group 836. Yixian
37. Shien Yu
38. Elyse
39. Shalynn
40. Zhang Yan
I will be taking attendance, so please make sure you log into VGLF on time!