S1 will forever be the champion class
Made out of 100% pure awesomeness.
Abbigail Tan Soon Ying | Ang Hui Shi | Chang Chooi Ming, Melanie M | Chen Jitao | Chen Siow Ee | Chen Wubin | Chen Xinyao | Goh An Qi | Ho Yun Ying | Hoe Shyan |
Jae, Tan Fay | Jamie Boey Jing Yi | Jaslin Tan | Khong Loo Sin | Kim Eun Hae | Kuek Yi Ting, Lynn | Lee Huai Ern, Claire | Lee Sing Ying | Lim Say Hwee | Lim Yong Fong |
Liu Wen Bao Amy | Loo Zhi Xin | Ngoh Ping Xin | Nicole Rachel Cheng Seow Shuen | Phyllis Gan Xiu Li | Rachel Yeak Ruo Qi | Sachpreet Kaur Bajwa | Soe Yu Nwe | Soh Gek Ning | Stephanie Choy Xin Ying |
Tan Cheng Xin | Tan Ying Ting, Coleen | Toh Ming Yee, Felicia | Uma Jitendra Sharma | Wang Yi | Wang Yixian | Wong Shien Yu | Yap Hua En, Elyse | Yeo Shi Mae Shalynn | Zhang Yan | Sara Salman Baladram
Not forgetting,
Foo Yong Ning | Patricia Leung Lai Yin
 Escape into awesomeness
 Friday, October 30, 2009 @ 9:56 PM
Love ya
 Its been forever since I've visited the blog. xD So yeah, hi S1. LOLOL. Well, it's been a great year w you guys, thanks for all the memories. And thank you Rachel for the class vid. All i wanna say is that our class is like, weird. LOL, i mean like the starting o the year we were like, hating each other and complaining how bad it is to be in this class cause we're being looked down or whatever. I dont know if you still think that way, but i do not. Not anymore. And it was so heartening to see us win prizes cause of the effort we put in. And i really had fun with you guys :) I dont know if you did, but i know that i had fun. Next year, we'll be 2S1 2010. Happy holidays, Coleen Labels: Thanks for the memories.
 @ 9:20 PM
Hello S1! I just wanted to say a really big THANK YOU to all of you for being a wonderful class to spend the year with. You guys have been really nice. We faced many ups and downs together this year and we cleared them all together as ONE BIG FAMILY. This year saw us working with the total unexpected people for Racial Harmony Day and all. Thank you all and next year, I'm sure we'll be closer and all, we'll get closer and more bonded. Some of us had problems with some problem but the end of the year saw us all comign together yea. And Rachel, the video, it truly did touch me of all the wonderful times of the year. And on 31st December 2009, I'll think of all the time this year and being in S1, with S1 would probably be 99% of it. Thank you S1 for the wonderful year and look forward to a wonderful-er one next year! SACHPREET(:
 Wednesday, October 28, 2009 @ 10:20 PM
CRESCENT GIRLS'S SCHOOL MUSICAL EVENING 2009 Venue: Mrs Lee Choon Guan Hall @ Anglo Chinese Barker Date: 02 December 09, Wednesday Time: 7.30PM Price: $12.00 Free Seating Visit the following website for directions http://acsbr.net/cos/o.x?c=/wbn/pagetree&func=view&rid=10067Please contact any band girls if you are interested! PLEASE GO! LooSin.
 @ 6:34 PM
HELLO DEAR DUCKLINGS, Today I think the CIP was AWESOME. Like us~ Well I FEEL THE POWER~ *PEWPEWPEWPEW* It's a song xD Anyways, I feel that S1 is more bonded than ever :D And all it took was an hour or two with singing involved in a bus trip with all forty of us together like as if having a campfire but in a bus instead with no fire. Try to say that sentence in one breath. HAH. I bet you tried XD LIKE HOW I HAVE. XD Well the main point for this post was to tell you guys how awesome you people were today. Good job guys~ *proud proud* WHOOT WHOOT. xD As a reward, I shall TELL YOU A JOKE.(MWEHEHE) Yes this is funny so don't close the page yet XD What game to elephants like to play most?ANSWER: Squash. SO~ HOW WAS IT XD FUNNY RIGHT? ... Well anyways XD I'm gonna go off XD HAHAHA. TOODEE~ Love, Devil
 Tuesday, October 27, 2009 @ 10:54 AM
YO. OK this is regarding the YOG. *ahem*
The Chinese & Modern Dance Society is recruiting people to join the YOG. We currently have about 80 members and need like, 80 more (o.O) to make 160.
It is recommended that you have a bit of dance experience, but i guess they might accept you if you don't? So quickly fill in the forms & hand them up to a tray at a staffroom dubbed the 'Orange Tree Staffroom'. Of course, CCA points will be given for achievement etc, but Ms Sim (Geog teacher) says your heart is the most important. You should be willing and enthusiastic to take part but not for the CCA points. It's the thought that counts. :)
According to the form, they say you need to attend regular training sessions and extras. Just to let you know, we have dance practice every Mon & Thurs, 3pm - 6pm (actually it starts around 3.30 but you should be there earlier; might drag a bit after 6). Other than that, sometimes Wed? Subject to changes. There is also strict discipline in dance so it is recommended that you are ... disciplined? Yeah & best that you have long hair, not like me who has so many problems regarding hair. :)
Anw, would like to clarify this doubt/myth: You DO NOT have to join dance after YOG. It's like, attending dance practices temporarily to train for it, but after YOG you can go back to your norm CCA. :)
HOPE TO SEE YOU VOLUNTEERING! XDDD (If you see any mistakes/any thing you want to add dancers, please help edit.)
 Monday, October 26, 2009 @ 8:57 PM
Very Important Things, I Tell You.
HELLO! This is awesome. I haven't posted in one billion years. FormsOCIP Forms: I bet some of you have not handed them up. Then again, maybe you're all so excited you handed it up immediately XD For those who have not, WE ARE NOT COLLECTING NO MORE. So hand this up to the G.O. yourself. And be careful not to see You-Know-Who (aka the one who is holding on to the class key.) There's a box for this form. Sexuality Education Programme Forms: Also not collecting but I believe most of you have handed up. So, ditto. Except for the excited part, HAHAHAHAHA. There's also a box for this form.
CCA Certificates: It's due tomorrow (Tuesday) so make sure you check both sheets carefully before handing up (if you have not). And remember to sign both sheets beside your name in red ink! Eun Hae has been reminding thousands of people. There is another box for this form. (Yes the G.O. is flooded with boxes right now.) Lastly, please be reminded to check the PREVIOUS POST; it is really really important. Well, at least to me. Haha, unless you hate this class.
And if you do, I'm gonna slaughter you and flush you down the toilet bowl, head first. Just kidding. Well, that's about all, kids. Thanks, and bye. REMEMBER TO READ THE PREVIOUS POSTTT!
Jae :D
 @ 8:39 PM
Hello~ I'm doing a class end-of-year video, and I'm collecting some message dedications to put into the video. If you have anything that you want to tell your awesome friends, whether it's a "Thank You" or a "Sorry", just CrezMail/MSN me what you want to be written (and whether you want your name to be visible) and I'll add it into the video. You can also request for a specific colour for the text/background. The video will be showed on Thursday. Thanks :D DEDICATION FORMName: (You can be Anonymous, if you want to, or use a nickname/codename, whatever. XD) Recipient: (The name of the person you want to dedicate the message to.) Message:Others: (Choice of background/text colour. If you leave this blank I'll just assume you want white background + black text) And please, no "OMG I HATE CHU *stabs*" or "YOU ARE UGLY, NOBODY LIKES YOU XOXO" messages, ok. Basically no hate messages. We are sophisticated and mature people :D *coughcough* Um, so..ya. :D Rachel.
 Friday, October 23, 2009 @ 7:15 PM
Class EOY Outing + CIP
Ok, first, the important thing. Please remember to give $1 to Yunying on Monday to pay for the CIP transport. OK NAO FOR THE EVEN MORE IMPORTANT THING *excited* I have finally done up the poll to decide where we should go for our EOY class outing. I need everyone to vote, because um, that makes it fair. Or something. Thus, even if it is really really really impossible for you to go, you still need to vote, and I want to see exactly 39 votes. Because you are a S1ster AND I SAID SO. NOW LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER AND- Ok anyways. Click Here to decide where we should go for our EOY class outing!The deadline is... Tuesday. Since I bet half of you have forgotten about this and need to be reminded on Monday. XD And um, yeah, basically that's it. :D Rachel.
 Sunday, October 18, 2009 @ 6:22 PM
Omg this blog is dead. D: NU~~~ "DOCTOR, YOU HAVE TO SAVE HER!" "We'll try!" -5 minutes later-"How is she, Doctor?!" "I'm sorry, we tried our best. *walks away*" "D: *cue dramatic music*" Idk, that's what always happens in those dramas. XDD Anyways. So, EOYs are over~ Woo. I knew they ended a long time ago but since nobody bothered to post about it... So now I shall just post about stuff that you need to do. :D - Visit your CrezMail once Crezsphere (sp?) is accessible, it has important information about EOY activities
- Send all your class T-shirt designs to me (doesn't matter via CrezMail/MSN or whatever). I will put them up on 1st November and we'll start voting. Voting will end, um, when I say it ends XDD (obviously I haven't thought of when's the due date). Please take note that you should put 2S1'10 rather than 1S1'09, because this will be our class T-shirt design for next year
- Please help suggest ideas for another class outing :D You can post your ideas here :)
I think that's all. :D P.S. Shyan, can you send me your T-shirt design? Because when I save your design and open it in my file it comes out looking all squashed and...funny. So ya. :D Rachel.
 Thursday, October 8, 2009 @ 10:14 PM
Dear duckies, The time is now 10.13 pm, and has just gone to 10.14 pm. KEWL. XD Anyways, I want to say BEST OF LUCK FOR EOY PEEPS!! I wish you guys the SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXIALIDOCIOUS-ly LUCK OF ALL~ C'mon~ Let's just show everyone what we've got eh? MWEHEHEH. Yes we're awesome. XD As ego as that might sound, IT'S TRUE!!! Btw it's now 10.16 pm. OMG IT JUST CHANGED TO 10.17 pm!! Kewl. xD HAHAHHA. Anyways, really, I hope all of you do GREAT FOR EOY!!! GOOD LUCK!!! (english!) JIA YOUS!!! (Chinese-english!) GAMBATTE!!! (japanese -.-) 화이팅!!! (korean!) Succes Veel geluk! (french!) 祝你好運!!! (traditional chinese~) Bonne chance!!! (french!) Bona fortuna!!! (latin!) ¡Buena suerte!!! (spanish!) İyi şanslar!!! (TURKISH~) Chúc may mắn!!! (Vietnamese!) Technically I learnt 11 languages. HOW KEWL IS THAT PEOPLE. Anyways, GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE~ P.S LAST MINUTE MUGGING IS NOT NONSENSICAL THOUGHTS. IT'S USEFUL AND VITAL INFORMATION!!! (from personal experience) xD Love, Devil CHEESE.
 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 @ 6:08 PM
 HELLO PEEPS! Just a really nice graphic to motivate you to work harder for EOYs! :D Oh ya, and um. After EOYs right, we'll probably be voting for the class T-shirt for 2S1'10. 2S1'10 = us, ok? XD Idk, I got the feeling that some peoeple *coughElysecough* wouldn't get it. XD Ok, no offence intended >.< Thus, if you have anymore class T-shirts designs, please send them to me, and I will collate them and put them in a blog post or something. Please refrain from posting the design onto the class blog as: 1. It'll be very messy 2. You can never be too sure that there aren't copycats out there *peers suspiciously* And to those who have posted their designs earlier in the year: don't worry, I've already saved all of your designs into a folder, but if you still feel unsafe (?!) go ahead and Crezmail/email me :D So ya. That's more or less it. Oh, and please remember that the T-shirt designs for LSCEP is due on 16th October, which is 10 MORE DAYS OMG (and one day after Donghae's birthday, woo.)! So um, HAPPY MUGGING! (But I suppose if you're free enough to come to the class blog it signifies that you're not mugging, so that defeats the whole purpose of 'happy mugging', but whatever.) Rachel. (Credit for graphic: http://smileee.tumblr.com)