Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 7:30 PM
Hello S1! I was told that some of you do not know what is expected for the Mandala Art and need an extension. I have asked Ms
Ong for an extension till 29/01/2010. However, it is not confirmed. So, to help you guys with your Art, here is something below.
You can Google Search on Mandala Art (
images) and you'll get a huge response.
Here's a link if you need it:
http://images.google.com.sg/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=Mandala%20Art&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wiFrom that, you'll know that there are many different types of Mandalas. Mandalas are not exactly tessellations. Tessellations are only to do with one unit shape. However, Mandalas can have more shapes. More on the symmetry side of drawings.
So, you can use some of the ideas for your work.
With the tracing and carbon paper, life is easier. To use the tracing-carbon paper method, follow these steps:
1. Print out the ideas you wish to include in your mandala.
2. Place the tracing paper on your print out and trace it out. These should include all the ideas and look like your final mandala, just that it is on a tracing paper.
3. Place the carbon paper on the drawing block and the tracing paper on the carbon paper. Ensure that the words which are on the carbon paper are upwards and the enpty side of the carbon paper downwards. Trace over the work on the tracing paper using a permanent marker.
4. You would see your mandala on the drawing block. Outline the Mandala with a permanent marker.
5. Either colour in your mandala
or use the thick-and-thin lines method to make your mandala look better.
6. There you go! You have your Mandala right in front of you!
Yep, that's about how you can use the tracing-carbon paper method to get your mandala done.
So, basically, your final piece should be on a piece of drawing block. It should have a border and your name, class, index number, date and Mandala Art written at the top right hand corner.
In the middle, you'll have your coloured/black and white mandala.
I do not promise anything about the dateline. Those of you who are able to submit it on Tuesday please do so even if there is an extension of dateline unless you wish to improvise on your mandala. For those of you who do not understand what a mandala is I think you'd have a rough idea by now and by seeing the images, you'd know more about it.
Sorry for not being able to providew you'll with more information as I am not very good at it. Hope its of great help to you guys.