Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 9:01 PM
Hey guys, remember to do these things 'cause you guys might forgetXD (like me:DDD)
-Music presentation on your different selected country regions
-PBL *this is due on MONDAY* learning issue, problem statement, solutions proposal, criteria selction and decision matrix
-Those who didn't hand in D&T, I'm sorry but I don't know if Mr Chew will accept them.
-Your PT leaflets and brochures etc.
-LSCEP assignment (try and get started on this:)) -Music Jingle assignmentI think that's it...Nt sure. Anw, thank you:DDD Sry to distrupt your peaceee with my rantings.^^
Oh and, pls dun see the pictures. Rachel was being a Wang Lee Hom fan and posted them:p Be a KIM BUM FAN!!
P.S. Seriously, can ppl start posting more? It's like a grave yard here...so empty... (except for the pics.) XD
P.P.S. This is important matters:)))
: Lots of ppl are getting stressed and moody and pissed and mad and angry and emo and silent (unless you're usually like that) and tired and stuff. Well just wanna say....
WAKE UP!!! And CHEER UP PPL!! Oh, and for the not doing other things in lessons, just don't go to the internet kays? Like blog, facebook or whatever. We're gonna trust you guys and not check anymore but if we
accidentally catch you or if teachers catch you (which is baddd:() then we have to take disciplinary actions and lecture you for 2 hours straight! And you'd probably get a demerit. Okay, that sounded a bit too...stupid.
But anw, just pls dun go kays? And for going to VGLF and talking to your friends, try not to do it because it's not really considered 'good behaviour'.
Thanks and sry for taking your precious time for my yip-yacking or whatever.
And seriously, POST MORE! MORE ENTHU ENTHU PPL!:DDD*not* Okay jkjk
By: Eun Hae
P.S. Wang Lee Hom is SOOOOOO much better than Kim Bum. :D
Edited By: RachelTheGreat.