Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 11:22 AM
1S1 Phrase Book
Phrase BookNote: For those with one word, please add on the meaning to the word. (Don't just copy all the words from here, CONTRIBUTE too! We will constantly be keeping track of YOU!)♥ Say Hwee - Description of people 1) She has a cascade of black curls tumbling down her back. 2) He cheeks went pale, her eyes were the colour of agony. - Description of places 1) I looked around this church, which I had grown to love - with its polished pews and the spatter of light from the stained glass, the whispering slik of the chalice veil, the dancing flames on the candles lit in offering. 2) To call the cabin rustic would be a stretch of flattery. A ratty braided rug with numerous stains graces the floor. Off the central room are two doors, one leading the a bathroom the size of a closet and one leading to the only bedroom. There's a coffee table, a falyed plaid couch and a battered kitchen table, on which rests an assortment of mismatched, dusty Tupperware. - Vivid Verbs 1) With a great surge of adrenaline I stand, pushing my chair back from the table. 2) He flailed against his handcuffs, yankingat the bonds so that his skin rubbed raw. 3) With tremendous resolve she forces herself to ... - People's feelings 1) I woke up from the nightmare, sweat-soaked, pulse racing. 2) I swallowed the knot of fear in my mouth. [Jamie]
-Description of people
1)She was lanky, with long arms and coltish legs.
2)Her hazel eyes were owl-like behind her round metal-rimmed glasses
-Vivid verbs
3)He doubled over with a stitch in his side and slowly crumpled to the ground.
4)She got out of bed and slowly unfurled her delicate and slender frame.
5)He nudged me with an increasing sense of urgency.
6)After hearing the tragic news, a deep melancholy settled upon his spirit.
7)She drew breath to punctuate her punches with.
Siow Ee
1) phenomenon : wonder/ sensation
2) hiherto: up till now
3) poise: posture/position
4)hail : come
5) inconspicuous: low profile
6) stratospheric: great
7) taken for a ride : cheated
8) fits the bill : appropriate
1) sound of gravel crunch underfoot
2) jetlagged from the long flight
3) home ransacked from corner to corner
4) paintings hung askew
5) cupboard doors ripped open
6) hanging by the hinges
7) work of a ruthless, callous criminal
8) did not just rob our house, but also destroyed it
Xinyao :D
Description of places1. The echoing sounds of the owls added to the eerie atmosphere.
2. The door was left ajar and sounds of footsteps could be heard in a distance.
Expression of feelings3. I dithered over my impending decision.
4. I thought hard and furrowed my brows in frustration.
5. I shrugged, not knowing how to say no.
6. He nudged me with an increasing sense of urgency.
Sorry for contributing so little.
[/edited 250409]
Vivid Verbs
1. The flames licked higher and higher up the wall and cast an ominous, scarlet glowing over the floor.
Interesting Phrases
1. Avaricious - Greedy for wealth or material gain
2. Callous - Insensitive and cruel
Description of People1. Menacing smile
2. He listened attentively, his angular face placid
3. There was a haggard look in his eyes
4. A huge mass of unkempt hair covered her lovely face
5. Eyes flashed with ecstasy
L-OOSIN :DDescription of people.1.She became reserved and shunned the company others.
2.Unrepentant gambler.
3.Looked Sickly and drained.
4.he studied his surrounding.
Expressions of feeling
5.Felt totally helpless and traped with in.
6.Pondered over those morbid thoughts repeatedly in her mind.
7.Withdrew deep into herself
Interesting phrases8.I learnt that procrastination is never condemned.
[/edited 240409]
`Felicia`Expression of feelings 1.Due to his chagrin,he clenched his fists hard.2.Filled with apoplexy,he felt anger rushing through him.3.Shaken by the devastating news,he broke down uncontrollably.Interesting phrases4.His adrenaline rushed through his veins hurriedly.5.He drove off with his car giving out a puff of smoke,polluting the fresh air.6.He went through a battery of tests reluctantly.7.A sense of deja vu greeted me as I entered the haunted house.8.He paced up and down the shimmering floor with his heart pounding fast.9. The dark clouds hovered over her as she wondered why.Description of people10.Ashen face- Pale face
~yunying~*Expression of Felings
- A wave of futile rage swept over him
- His eyes flashed with anger and resentment
*Interesting Pharses
- The sun sent streamers of purple and orange across the flawless sky
- A gentle breeze swept across my face and brushed against my cheek
- I could hear the reverberations of the thunder echo in the distance ahead
- Darkness set in and enveloped my room
- The sun lit up the scene and the surroundings exuded freshness
[Yixian] Expression of feelings 1. Tim screamed and his eyes brimmed over with tears. 2. Concern was written all over her face. 3. She broke out in cold sweat, swayed and her head spun dizzily. 4. Swallowing hard, I knew it was now or never. 5. Stifling a scream, I stood riveted to the ground. 6. She was on the verge of tears 7. His cheek burned and he stared at the ground, avoiding the curious stares of everyone around him. added on 24.4.09
[wubin] Vivid verbs1. An oppressive heat hung in the sky 2. Acting on pure instinct and adrenaline3. Danger was looming near4. An evil laugh reverberated across the room. I slammed the door open and picked up the wet bucket. I was drenched from head to toe.”You better apologize and stop all your planks” Description of people:1. An angelic smile plastered on his face2. Gritted teeth and a forced smile3. The terrified lion-turned-meek lamb, totally dumbfounded.4. I glared at him with bulging eyes, and stormed off cursing his name under my breathe.Interesting phrases:1."That's it!" Mother yelled from the kitchen, her tone laced with finality2."You asinine, fiendish, idiotic child “I snapped. "Enough is enough!" My voice raged with anger.3. The sensation of triumphant victory was exhilarating!Description of place:1.The coconut tree swayed to and fro as the wind blew, the beach was dotted with bikini clad ladies with kids screaming and running about.
added on 24 april 09
{Expression of Feelings Worried}
1. I was like a cat on hot bricks.
2. I was tensed up
3. Happiness seeped into my heart and I was filled with joy.
4. I was on cloud nine.
5. I smiled a contented smile.
6. My father gritted his teeth and glared at the man.
7. She was fuming mad.
8. The teacher was boiling with rage.
9. He narrowed his eyes angrily.
10. Grief clutch agonizingly at my heart.
Added on:
23-04-2009[Yong Fong]
{Description of People}1. The old woman's veins protruded through the wrinkled skin of her hands.
2. The old man gave me a toothless smile.
3. The old man's weather beaten face creased into deep wrinkles.
4. The old woman's silver-grey hair was combed back into a bun.
5. The chubby baby gurgled happily.
6. The baby's cherubic face broked into a dimpled smile.
7. His shirttail was hanging out and his glasses were crooked after a flight.
8. She had her hair braided into two long plaites.
9. Tears rolled down his cheeks like scattered pearls.
10. A torrent of depression cascaded on me.
Added on:
Description of People
- pale and listless
- woebegone face
- weary and overwrought
Description of Places
- The walls around me were decorated with a floral pattern
- padded indigo carpeting
- it was a picturesque sunday morning
Vivid verbs
- whirl around
- portentous
- odds are against us
- Interesting Phrases
- brave the odds to spread the message of joy,hope and charity
- unflagging in her strides
- thrashing about in the water
Expression of feelings
- a grave expression her face
- wails of sorrow
- stupefied by the dreadful news
- in seventh heaven
- loud,lamenting sobs of sadness
- Grief-stricken
25 Sat April 2009
{Interesting phrases}
1) Shivers went down my spine
2) The crisp green notes were handed over to me
3) Droplets of sweat trickeled down my back
4) The test took eternity to finish
5) After she came out of the shower, she was squeaky clean
6) I could smell the scent of the various dishes in the food court
7) She panicked when she was interogatted about the scence of the crime.
8) At the speed of light.
Added on: April 23rd 2009
{Description of Places}
- squeaky clean and polished floor
- Doctors in white, crisp overcoat and stethoscope hanging around their necks
- Nurses in neat white uniform
- pungent smell of disinfectant
- anxious family members awaited doctor's prognosis
- fear of impending bad news from doctors
- orderly queue at the pharmacy
- patients and families whispering in low tones
Added on: 22/04/2009
[Hui Shi]
{Description of People}
1.Small beady eyes with a bold head to match
2.Stout man with plump apple-red cheeks
3.A stocky man with a dark mustache
{Description of Places}
1.The winding roads led through cool groves and skirted sparkling little lakes
2.Casting a pale night light over the entire country side
{Interesting Phrases}
1.A pattering, a tapping, a scrabbling
2.Muggy overcast afternoon
3.Eased off to a mere constant drizzle
{Description of People}
1.Her honey blonde hair, with streaks of light brown, cascaded to her shoulders, framing her radiant face.
2. She had raven black and straight hair, bright and big eyes and the most enchanting smile i had ever seen.
{Interesting Phrases}
3. The sky was a delightful expanse of azure blue, dotting with magnolia white clouds.
4. The fire raged for a few hours. Huge billowing black clouds formed and red fingers of flame reach skywards.
{Vivid Verbs}
5. A jarring revelation
6. This incident will forever be ingrained/etched in my memory.
{Expressions of Feelings}
7. He went into raptures and let out a cry of triumph at the news.8.Her immense, round eyes were wide with horror and her lips trembled with fear.
{Description of People}
1. The girl was walking rapidly and with elaborate preoccupation, she collided into him.
2. He bowed in a gallant way.3. The diffused orange glow from the small lantern in its center gave her classical features the impression of purity and innocence, and turned her seal-brown hair into a cascading black wave.
4. She was an accomplished professional pickpocket-her technique was much too polished, her hands much too skilled-and an extremely adept liar.
5. She grew pale, and the light dimmed in her eyes.
6. Her fingers toyed with the catch on the tan suede bag.
7. Her skin was pale gold, and soft pale curls bobbed on her shoulders beneathe a big straw hat.
{Vivid Verbs}
8. "Yes?" she said in a frosty voice.
Added on: 22nd April 2009
[Sing Ying]
{Description of people}
1. Wrinkles were deeply etched on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes.
2. Her hand trembled as she gestured at the glass of water.
3. She was a fat women with a huge oily face and a snout for a nose.
4. Her hair was neatly tied into two plaits, was adorned with red and yellow ribbons.
5. He was impeccably dressed in an Armani suit and gleaming leather shoes.
6. Her skin was silky, her eyes wide and smiling and her cheeks gave off a rosy glow.
7. Gasping for air, he hit his chest repeatedly as his eyes turned red.
Added on: 22nd April 2009 :D
[Jaslin :D]
{Interesting phrases}
- Inoculate- To vaccinate or produce immunity.
- Vascular- Involving blood vessels.
- Philology-Study of the history and structure of language(s).
- Chronology- The scheme or order of events.
- Prelate- High-ranking church dinitary.
- Benediction- Blessing.
- Palpitation- Irregular or rapid heartbeat.
- Tautology- Uneccesary repetition.
Added on: 21st April 2009
{Interesting phrases}
1. Act in the valley so that you need not fear those who stand on the hill.
2. The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
3. Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.
4. Don't go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes you nothing; it was here first.
5. Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
6. Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.
7. If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.
8. We think in generalities, but we live in details.
Added on: 21th April 2009
{Description of Places}
1. The dazzling stars twinkled in the heavens as the full moon shimmered beautifully.
2. The long June twilight faded into night.
3. The sun hung low in the sky, perched on a reef of clouds rimming an orange sea.
4. The sun was struggling to make an impression on a cloud lifeless sky.
5. The rain eased off to a mere constant drizzle.
Vivid Verbs
1. The atmosphere in the room was so tense that it was almost papable.
2. The orange-red flames licked higher and higher up the walls.
3. The bell rang, triggering the usual cacophony of chairs being banged around, backpacks zipping, and voices rising.
{Interesting Phrases}
1. I found myself yawning, a huge, hollow yawn that stretched my diaphragm up against my heart and cracked the hinges of my jaw.
Added on: 21th April 2009
[Nicole and Zhi Xin]
{Interesting Phrases}
1. Some "good samaritans" sprinted to (his) aid.
2. Nobody was seriously hurt, although several people suffered bruises to their ego.
3. Hobbled away from the scene, muttering useless curses under (his) breath as (he) left.
4. There were no grave injuries and nothing that a plaster and some sympathetic coos could not cure.
5. Landed in a quagmire.
6. In a quandary about what to do.
7. All the pieces of puzzle fell into place, when (he) confessed.
8. Hung his head in mortification.
9. It chugged into the station lethargically, snorted smoke and groaned to a halt.
10. Inside the train, she slumped into a seat and drummed her fingers on the ledge. One hand propped her chin up. her impatient eyes, darted to and fro, willing the train to hurry up.
{Expression of feelings}
11. Eyes flickered apprehensively.
12. teeth chattered louder than a tapdancer with spring fever.
13. Eye-brows were raised inches above their usual arches.
14. Air rang with peals of laughter.
15. Her dentures clicked as she slurped the soup with noisy relish.
16. Ignoring protesting muscles/ summoned every ounce of energy.
17. (His) brows furrowed in concentration.
Edited on: 21/04/2009
{Description of places}
1.The water is flat, utterly untroubled by the breeze.
2.The hills on either side hunkered claose and dark right up to the water's edge, though their summits were again swathed in cloud.
3.Outside, the morning was still faintly misty, and the neighbourhood was still asleep.
4.Above the pine needles the sun was shining, but down at the bottom of the forest only a few spears of light found their way, moving like slow searchlights across the ground.
5. The golden brown of late autumn was overcome at last by the vast whiteness descending gracefully from the heavens.
{Description of people}
6.She was garrulous with relief.
7.He looked at Daniel with round, slightly protuberant eyes.
8. Her profile was very distinct- high forehead,ski-sloped nose, a little overbite and a pronounced jawline.
9. She was dressed in monochromatic indigo - a navy blue boatneck sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans.
10.Her eyes flickered to the painting , and her desires plunged and stumbled within her.
11. Caddie stood beside him,shivering, and oppressed by the weight of his disapproval.
Yup, that's all! The rest of my phrases are like- not really that good, hope you all find this of good use!:)
1. casting a pale light over the entire countryside
2. muggy overcast afternoon
3. rain drumming on the window
{Description of places}
4. canopy of pink and white blossom
5. tawny grass with a few drifts of snowdrops
{Vivid Verbs}
6. momentary cessation
7. scolding were scorching
8. thrilling as a thunderstorm
{Interesting Phrases}
9. beauty was piled upon beauty
{Expressions of feelings}
10. thrill of glee
11. mixture of astonishment, relief and profound tenderness
Editted on 20/4/2009 by Phyllis (26)
{Interesting Phrases}
1.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush-Its better to have a small actual advantage than the chance of a greater one.
2.A bunch of fives-A fist(the fives are the five fingers)
3.A Daniel come to judgement-Someone who makes a wise judgement about something that has previously proven difficult to resolve.
4.A dish fit for gods-An offering of high quality
5.A drop in the bucket-A very small proportion of the whole
6.A feather in one's cap-A symbol of honour and achievement
7.A fly in the oinment-A small but irritating flaw that spoils the whole thing
8.A fool's paradise-A state of happiness based on false hope
Added on: 200409
[Yong Ning]
{Vivid verbs}
1. Thick fog was all I could see out of my window in the morning, and I could feel the claustrophobia creeping up on me. I could never see the sky, it was like a cage.
2. Breakfast with (name) was a quiet event.
3. I smiled back as convincingly as I could.
4. I felt a thrill of genuine fear, raising the hair on my arms.
5. It was not raining yet, though the clouds were dense and opaque.
6. I could not sleep with the wind echoing around the house.
7. I looked at my face in the mirror as I brushed through my tangled, damp hair.
8. I was in a hurry to get out of the misty wet that swirled along my head and clung to my hair under my hood.
Added on: 20/4/09
Description of People :D
1. Antsy - restless; impatient and tired of waiting
2. Dicey - uncertain; taking too much of a chance
Description of Places :D
3.Ghetto - a section of a city, especially a thickly populated slum area, inhabited predominantly by members of an ethnic or other minority group, often as a result of social or economic restrictions, pressures or hardships.
4. Frontier - a region just beyond or at the edge of a settles area
Vivid Verbs :D
5. Elbow Grease - hard work; effort
6. Keep one's nose to the grindstone - stay diligent, steadily work hard
Interesting Phrases :D
7. A cinch - something that is very easy to do
8. Fender-bender - automobile accident
Added on : 20th April 2008.
[Shien Yu]
[Shien Yu]
Description of places :D
1. The thin wail of the wind battering at the snowy wall/ the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.
2. The moon slipped behind a passing cloud, shrouding the building in darkness.
3. Faint light filtered throught the walls casting pale blue and pink shadows on her as she sleep.
4. Gray clouds move sluggishly across the sky and she could scent the rain on the breeze.
5. The rain grew steadily heavier, filling every dip in the ground with water.
Interesting phrase :D
6. Curiosity did not kill the cat, ignorance did.
7. Follow the golden rule be polite.
Added on : 21th April 2008.
{Description of Places}
1. Powder-white fine sand.
2.A sliver of vibrant, turquoise green sea.
3.The morning sun danced playfully on the ripples of the shimmering ocean.
4.Crystal clear sea.
5.A tranquil velvety carpet of water.
6.The glassy surface of the sea.
7.The molten sun descended in the glowing sun.
8.The sea was like an artist's brushstrokes on a canvas.